Entries in Galaxy S4 (2)


Samsung Galaxy S4 reportedly caught fire and melted while owner slept

Another alarming incident involving a smartphone battery igniting and catching fire has surfaced. A Samsung Galaxy S4 reportedly caught fire and melted completely while its owner, Texas teen Ariel Tolfree, slept. Source of the fire is likely being attributed to the a faulty battery. Samsung has responded by requesting to examine the charred remains of the Tolfree's phone, which they will replace together with the ruined beddings that the incendiary phone damaged. This is the latest in a series of fire-related incidents involving the Galaxy S4. A UK user found her smartphone sizzling as it was plugged in for the night and a Hong Kong resident claims ina CNet report that his Galaxy S4 exploded and caught fire in his hands. Hopefully whatever is causing these freak accidents can be sorted out and quickly.

Source: Mashable


Poll: HTC One is the Canadian Reviewer reader's choice for best smartphone

Our readers have spoken and voted on the HTC One as the best smartphone right now with 116 votes out of 370 (31.35% of the votes). Second is the iPhone 5 with 75 votes (20.27 % of the votes) which isn't bad at all for a model that is almost a year old. Third place was the Samsung Galaxy S4 (with 67 votes or 18.11 %). By choosing the HTC One, readers have shown that they are keen on quality materials, great functionality and features. HTC One and iPhone 5 also represent two of the best crafted handsets in the market today and this is clearly a priority with users. The innovation and feature set of Samsung's flagship Galaxy S4 scored big with readers as well.