Entries in Game of Thrones (29)


HBO hackers demand ransom after leaking some internal data online, including personal numbers & addresses of ‘Game of Thrones’ stars

Sky Atlantic

HBO’s headache over its recent security breach is far from over. The hackers who got into HBO’s system have supposedly released 3.4GB of the reported 1.5TB of data it obtained from the company. While it was discovered that upcoming Game of Thrones episodes don’t look like they’ve been taken, things like scripts for upcoming GoT episodes, technical documents with HBO’s internal network and administrator passwords, and unreleased episodes of Room 104 and Ballers have landed into the hands of the hackers.

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HBO data breach goes beyond ‘Game of Thrones’ episodes, includes internal documents


In terms of quantity, the recent HBO hack might seem infinitely smaller than the one Sony experienced back in 2014 but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a big deal. We’ve gotten new details about the hack and found that the hackers didn’t just get Game of Thrones episodes and spoilers but they’ve gotten their hands on thousands of internal company documents, too. The hackers first contacted the media claiming that they got some upcoming GoT episodes as well as episodes of shows like Ballers, Insecure, and Room 104. They also supposedly got their hands on Bill Haders’ Barry comedy series, which isn’t expected to air until next year. But in the first information dump, it showed that they also had personal information of a senior HBO executive, including access credentials for online services. The hackers say they’ve gotten 1.5 terabytes of data from the company and they plan to release more information in batches. A formal DMCA takedown notice has already been supplied to Google by security contractors IP Echelon. The move is standard procedure when HBO wants the search giant to take down links to leaked materials.

Source: Variety


‘Stranger Things’ crew gets tips from ‘Game of Thrones’ creators on how to protect against leaks

Stranger Things became such a surprise success that its crew needed tips from another extremely popular show on how to go about things moving forward. According to an interview by Entertainment Weekly with Stranger Things creators, they had to approach the producers of Game of Thrones on what to do when it comes to security protocols. “We literally consulted with the producers on Game of Thrones to learn security protocols,” say executive producer Shawn Levy. “I just knew I used to throw my sides away and now they have to be burnt,” says co-creator Ross Duffer of his daily shooting notes. The cast and the show itself now even gets code names. According to Millie Bobby Brown a.k.a. Eleven, “It’s this weird thing. On the call sheets our names are across it and if we lose it, we’re dead.”

Now, they’re hyperaware of the measures they need to take to make sure no spoilers get out. “We had no security protocols last season and we have extensive security protocols this season, Levy says. “I can’t speak about what they are because then people could crack them. We protect every story point, every page of every script.” 


Review: Game of Thrones Season Six Blu-Ray

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The phenomenon that is HBO's Game of Thrones cannot be underestimated. The popularity of the made for cable adaptation of George R. R. Martin's Song of Fire and Ice series of novels has, in a way, transcended what the author imagined for his epic sword and sorcery tale of the quest for the Iron Throne. Season six of GOT, now on Blu-Ray, doesn't just bring back all the epic moments of the previous and penultimate season, it does so with a ton of extras as well as a master class dissection of one the most intense battle scenes filmed, the Battle of the Bastards.

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