Entries in Gear Fit (2)


SlideShow: Samsung's Galaxy S5 and Galaxy Gear Fit

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We didn't get enough time with the Samsung Galaxy S5 and Gear Fit review units to bang out a proper review but we did get various photos of the devices and were generally impressed byt the Galaxy Gear Fit's screen, touch functionality and multi-functional health-tracking features. The Gear Fit's curved screen stands out, although the device is thicker and heavier than we expected. As for the GS5, we're digging the white variant a bit more than the darker coloured version but overall, these are the best Galaxy smartphones we've seen.


SlideShow: First look at Samsung Galaxy S5, Galaxy Gear 2, Gear Neo and Gear Fit

Photos by Corey Herscu

Canadianreviewer's editor-at-large Corey Herscu had the opportunity to check out Samsung's latest flagship and wearables. The much anticipated Galaxy S5, the Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo and the Gear Fit. This is the first time Canada is seeing the full range, which is expected to be coming to market soon.  Stay tuned for more impressions on the cornocupia of wearables and Samsung's top smartphone for 2014.