Entries in Google Chrome (86)


Google smartens up dark mode for the next version of Chrome for Android

The new beta release for Google Chrome on Android wants to make the dark mode a bit smarter. The aim is to make the site look more normal when dark mode is forced. Chrome 77 for Android is less likely to invert the color of images, even if their backgrounds are mostly white. This beta update is also less likely to turn gray text bright white, so it'll be a more comfortable reading experience. And it'll be closer to what the site's creators originally intended.

When dark mode first came to Android, it was simply a way to invert the colors of an entire site. But when it comes to photos, this would sometimes render them indecipherable. The previous version of Chrome automatically activated a dark version of a site if one is already available, and it only reversed the colors if there's no alternative. 

Source: Tech Radar


Online shopping with Chrome across your devices just got easier

You don’t have to be tied to Chrome on your desktop to shop with ease now. If you saved your payment information with Chrome, then you can access this on any device you have Chrome on. You’ll be prompted to use saved payment information when filling out a checkout form. To use this feature, you don’t need to have Chrome Sync turned on (it also won’t turn Sync on for you). As long as you’re logged into your Google account and buying from a place that supports Google Play, it can pull up your saved credit or debit card information. As a precaution, it’ll still ask you to confirm your card’s CVC when you checkout. You also have the option to add a new payment method to your account, which Google with confirm through an email. You can also save a payment method locally by pulling up Chrome Settings > Payment Methods > Add. This will be useful if you want your payment information saved on a single device.

Source: SlashGear


Google launches site to make remote desktop access easier

While there is a Chrome app already that helps give you remote access to someone else’s PC, Google is making it easier for you to troubleshoot a friend/relative/co-worker’s computer issues. All you need to do is visit this site. One person will need to set up the tool and generate an access code that the other person will need to log in. Once that’s set up, then you’re ready to help out.

Source: Engadget


Microsoft tests Windows Defender extensions for Chrome and Firefox

Embed from Getty Images

Microsoft started testing with Insider users its new Windows Defender Application Guard for both Chrome and Firefox users. The extension is designed to protect enterprise PCs against attacks. It used to be an Edge-exclusive feature, but it is now making its way to the two other browsers. What it does is it opens untrusted URLs not listed in administrators’ trusted sites in a virtual container. It helps prevent any attackers from immediately gaining access into a company’s system if the site does turn out to be a malicious one.

For the extension to do its job, you’ll need the companion app from the Microsoft Store and the Edge browser. If the extension finds the URL isn’t from the trusted list, it’ll open it in an isolated Edge session. Any link you click in the isolated session that’s from a trusted site will launch right back in your original browser. The extension is currently only available to Insider users, but it should be coming to more users soon.

Source: Engadget