Entries in Horizon Forbidden West (5)


'Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores' teases DLC release

A few days before its release, Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores gets one more trailer. Sony and Guerrilla Games offer a fresh look at this new chapter of Aloy's story. Burning Shores is a volcanic archipelago that was once home to Los Angeles. The teaser trailer also gives a closer look at the Metal Devil boss fight. That specific battle is why this DLC won't be available on the PlayStation 4. It requires a lot of memory and processing power.



Sony confirms it will offer free 'Horizon Forbidden West' PS4 upgrades to PS5 after all

Sony planned to make PlayStation 4 gamers purchase another copy of Horizon Forbidden West to upgrade to the PS5 version. But the company was met with heavy criticism for this move, given its original promise that a free upgrade will be available from PS4 to PS5. Sony backtracked and said that those who will buy Horizon Forbidden West on the Play Station 4 would get a PlayStation 4 upgrade for free.

The company is also committing to a US$10 digital upgrade option for the digital and physical versions of PlayStation first-party exclusive cross-gen titles.

Source: The Verge


Report claims 'Horizon Forbidden West' will be delayed to 2022

Sony's Horizon Forbidden West is initially scheduled for a 2021 holiday release. But a new report from Bloomberg claims Sony will push the game's release back to 2022. Engadget pointed out that PlayStation Studios head Hermen Hulst hinted at the game being delayed. "For Horizon, we think we are on track to release this holiday season," Hulst said at the time. "But that isn't quite certain yet, and we're working as hard as we can to confirm that to you as soon as we can."

Right now, we can't say if the game will be available by the end of the year or not. We'll make sure to update you if there's any news.


WATCH: 'Horizon Forbidden West' 14-minute gameplay


After teasing its State of Play event a few days ago, Sony has officially revealed this 14-minute gameplay video of Horizon Forbidden West. This game is a follow-up to Horizon Zero Dawn, which was released back in 2017. It also shows off what the game engine can do with the help of the PlayStation 5's additional horsepower. Enjoy the full clip above. There is no official release date for the game yet, but it's expected to come out later this year.