Entries in HTC BlinkFeed (2)


HTC to bring ads to BlinkFeed 

The day has come that you’ll be seeing more ads on your HTC device. HTC just announced that it’ll be bringing in ads to its BlinkFeed app. It’s rolling out first in the US, the UK, Germany, China, and Taiwan. These ads and sponsored content are designed to look like other BlinkFeed content. You’ll be seeing materials from HTC partners like Twitter, Yahoo, and even HTC itself. But the company promises they will limit the amount of content you’ll see. It’s still a pilot test though, according to HTC. The company promises you’ll get an option to opt out of this feature in the future (we’re willing to guess it’ll be a paid option).

Source: HTC | Via: Cult of Android


HTC plans to introduce BlinkFeed to other Android devices

Looks like HTC’s BlinkFeed updates won’t be an HTC exclusive for long. The Taiwanese tech company announced plans to bring this feature to other Android devices soon through the Google Play Store. They didn’t specify what version of Android or specs you’ll need to make it run though.

Source: Engadget