Entries in iPad mini (36)


The Apple Beat: iPad mini slowly but surely rules the roost

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Two months down the line and the iPad mini has been elevated as my go-to tablet of choice, which is surprising for someone who relies on the larger iPad for so many things. The iPad mini's dynamism and incredible portability really makes me rethink the 7 (ok, 7.9) inch tablet form factor as a viable productivity-focused mobile device.

Unlike many iPad users out there, I didn't think an iPad mini was a good idea. Just like how the original iPad ran iPhone apps in blown-up mode with distracting jagged graphics and ill-fitting interface touches, I feared shoeboxing the iPad's 9.7-inch interface into something smaller would suck. It didn't.

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SourceCode: Shaking up the 7-inch tablet space



By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

A year ago, the 7-inch tablet space was occupied by the BlackBerry PlayBook, a few $500 Android tablets that offered a blown-up smartphone experience and $199 eBook readers running pared down versions of Android and focusing on content consumption. Today, the 7-inch tablet space is gearing up to be one of the most competitive areas in tech.

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Review: Apple iPad with Retina Display (late 2012)

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The 4th Generation iPad was the most unexpected Apple product of 2012. While everyone was predicting and pining for an iPad mini, it seemed inconceivable that Apple would update their flagship tablet just months after launching the impressive iPad with Retina Display A.K.A iPad 3.

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Review: iPad mini

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple’s iPad mini isn’t the first 7.9-inch tablet to come to market but it already is the most recognizable.

Joining the likes of the Nexus 7, BlackBerry PlayBook, Toshiba Excite and various Samsung Tabs, the iPad mini now sits between the iPhone and the larger iPads.

An extension of Apple’s vast app and services ecosystem, the iPad mini serves to give users yet another mobile device option and opens up the market for users who find the 9.7-inch iPad too big or feel it it is priced out of their budget.

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