Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
The upcoming Kindle Fire coloured eBook reader and Android tablet is expected to be a big seller and was slated to leapfrog existing black and white eInk ebook readers. Toronto-based Kobo just announced thier new colour eBook reader called the Kobo Vox ($199, available October 28) and it looks like a winner. Hit jump for the details.
“Kobo Vox is the reader for your connected life, and opens the door to the next generation of eReading — social eReading — where books can come alive in colour and conversation,” Kobo chief executive Michael Serbinis said in statement.
“Readers can get more out of their experience by connecting with Kobo’s global community of booklovers. Plus, with Kobo Vox you have the freedom to connect with friends, listen to music, watch movies, play games and discover new apps with almost unlimited choices.”