Entries in lawsuit (54)


BlackBerry accuses Facebook of infringement over its messaging patents


BlackBerry has filed a lawsuit in California against Facebook and its subsidiaries WhatsApp and Instagram for what it says is infringement of its messaging patents. The company says the social media company has “co-opted” its patented innovations related to security, user interface, and battery life. But Facebook brushes off the suit claiming it’s just a desperate move from the beleaguered company. "Blackberry's suit sadly reflects the current state of its messaging business," Paul Grewal, Facebook's deputy general counsel, said in a statement. "Having abandoned its efforts to innovate, BlackBerry is now looking to tax the innovation of others. We intend to fight."

The patents cited in the lawsuit describe the key elements of modern day messaging including those that deal with notifications for the total number of unread messages, photo tagging, and messaging time stamps. It hasn’t been cited how much BlackBerry is asking in terms of damages. But it seems seeking money from the patents isn’t the only motivation, the company seems to want to partner with Facebook. "As a cybersecurity and embedded software leader, BlackBerry's view is that Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp could make great partners in our drive toward a securely connected future," BlackBerry’s spokesperson said in the statement. "We continue to hold this door open to them."

Source: CNN


Uber and Waymo abruptly settles lawsuit

In a surprising turn of events, Uber and Waymo have agreed to settle a self-driving trade secrets lawsuit on the fifth day of the case going to trial. Uber agreed to pay out 0.3 percent of its equity, which with the company’s US$72 billion valuation, puts that at over $245 million in stock. The company has also promised to work with Waymo’s parent company Alphabet to make sure none of Google’s confidential data will be used for Uber’s self-driving program (both in the hardware and software side).

The case began over a year ago when Waymo filed a suit against Uber accusing one of its former engineers, Anthony Levandowski, of downloading around 9.7GB of data or around 14,000 files before abruptly resigning from the company and later creating his own company called Ottomotto, which was acquired by Uber a few months later.

Source: Ars Technica


Major music publisher Wixen sues Spotify for US$1.6 billion

Wixen Music Publishing Inc., which licenses music from around 200 artists that include Tom Petty, The Beach Boys, Neil Young, and the Doors, has sued music streaming service Spotify for US$1.6 billion for allegedly using thousands of songs” without the correct license. According to the lawsuit, Spotify didn’t get a direct or compulsory license from them to let them reproduce and distribute the songs. As mentioned in the complaint, “Prior to launching in the United States, Spotify attempted to license sound recordings by working with record labels but, in a race to be first to market, made insufficient efforts to collect the required musical composition information and, in turn, failed in many cases to license the compositions embodied within each recording or comply with the requirements of Section 115 of the Copyright Act.”

Wixen also claims Spotify outsourced the work to a third-party licensing and royalty provider, the Harry Fox Agency, which was “ill-equipped to obtain all the necessary licenses.” Spotify fired back by filing with the court an assertion that Wixen didn’t give its clients enough time to opt out of being included in the case. The lawsuit comes as a response to a $43 million settlement Spotify had with songwriters and publishers back in May, where the streaming service allegedly failed to pay royalties for songs it makes available to users.

Source: Reuters + The Verge


Microsoft is being sued for ‘willfully’ ignoring holographic imaging patents

Microsoft’s HoloLens just ran into some legal issues in the US. The company’s mixed-reality device is at the center of a patent infringement lawsuit filed by HoloTouch for infringing on two of its patents. The tech is built to let users interact with holographic images. According to the Connecticut-based company, Microsoft “willfully” knew of and ignored HoloTouch’s patented technology, which have been dated back to over a decade already. The company is seeking a jury trial and triple damages (without the specific amount being outlined).

In the filing, it’s said HoloTouch first approached Microsoft back in 2006 for a partnership but never heard from them. Microsoft later on allegedly filed its own patent in 2013, which cited HoloTouch’s patents as “prior art,” meaning the company was aware of HoloTouch’s work. According to HoloTouch, they reached out again in 2015 and 2016 to discuss a licensing agreement for the patents but didn’t hear from Microsoft then either. If proven, this could cause some financial damage to Microsoft, especially with the company’s patents extending beyond the US to include Canada, Australia, the UK, and Japan.

Source: Engadget