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Bethesda settles lawsuit with Warner Bros. and Behaviour over ‘Westworld’ game

Bethesda Softworks has settled a lawsuit against Warner Bros. and developer Behaviour Interactive over a Westworld base-building game, which Bethesda alleges was a ripoff of its Fallout Shelter game. The company filed a lawsuit for copyright infringement, breach of contract, and unfair competition back in June 2018. Bethesda released a brief statement claiming they’ve reached an “amicable” agreement, but the company didn’t disclose the terms. The companies will bear the cost of attorney fees and the like and Bethesda dismissed its claims with prejudice, which means the same claims can’t be brought up again. Back in June, Bethesda accused Behaviour of using copyrighted code from Fallout Shelter to develop the Westworld game. That a bug found in the early version of Fallout Shelter, which Behaviour developed with Bethesda, was found in Westworld. But both Warner Bros. and Behaviour disputed this claim, saying the accusations were baseless.

Source: Gamastura + Polygon

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