Entries in Marketnews (54)


Review: Motorola RAZR V

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Motorola Mobility seems keen on refining the RAZR line of Android smartphones. Their latest model, the Motorola RAZR V, carries over a lot of the features and design strengths of the original flagship RAZR Android smartphone released last year, but scales down some features and pricing to appeal to more general users. 

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Review: BlackBerry PlayBook 4G-LTE (2012)

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Will the new and improved 32GB BlackBerry PlayBook 4G-LTE keep the fires burning for RIM or is it too little too late for the QNX and future BlackBerry 10 tablet? We get a hands on at the newer, faster and 4G-er PlayBook.

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