Entries in Data (12)


Why Learn Python? 10 Reasons You Should Become Fluent in 2019

Learning how to program? You’ve got to start with the basics. Learning languages like C++ or PHP are a great start but what about something new like Python?

Why learn Python?

Did you know that Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages in the world? Its annual growth rate is 27%, allowing Python to outgrow almost all other smaller technologies in development.

Even if you already have your preferred programming language, you shouldn’t limit yourself. That means you need to start learning more languages to become a better programmer.

But for beginners, it’s simple to start using Python due to its easy learning curve. Aside from that, it also has enough power to build web applications or automate business processes. If you’re ready to learn what Python can do for you, read the following reasons and start today.

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Apple will soon let you download all your data

Following the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica fiasco, Apple is gearing up to make it easier for its users to get a copy of their information that’s stored on the company’s server. You’ll also be able to correct any inaccurate personal information, temporary deactivate your account, or delete it altogether. This feature is being brought to Apple’s website to complete with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, which will take effect on May 25th. This feature is coming to European users first in early May and then to other countries at an unspecified later date.

Source: BGR


Netflix helps manage your data use with new cellular data controls

Worried about exceeding your data cap or getting your line cut off because you spent too much time watching Netflix while on cellular data? The streaming service is introducing globally new data controls to help you manage how much you stream over data. The default setting will allow you to stream around three hours of TV shows and movies per gigabyte of data. When it comes to bitrates, this setting amounts to around 600 Kilobits per second, which Netflix says achieves a good balance between video quality and data usages. You have the option to set a higher or lower streaming quality but of course that also means better or less ideal streaming. You can set it to auto, as discussed earlier; low, which allows around four hours per GB of data; high, which allows one hour per GB of data; and unlimited for those with unlimited data plans. The last one promises to give you the highest quality possible, which also means it could use up like 1GB per 20 minutes or more depending on your device and network speeds. Of course, you can also turn this feature off and not stream over data.

To toggle these settings, simply head to the Menu icon and select App Settings. From there, head to Cellular Data Usage and then select the setting you prefer. If you set your data usage for all devices under the Playback settings on Your Account page, the streams on mobile devices will not exceed this setting.

Source: Netflix


Hands-on with Rogers $80 United States Talk, Text & Data Plan

Roaming charges are the result of a nasty oversight that could have been prevented.

They are often exorbitant fees that creep up like last months cold and, if not taken care of, can ruin what could have been an otherwise wonderful getaway.

You see many of us, in the rush of vacation preparation; forget to call our respective carriers to add that insurance policy.

We then proceed to scream to the high heavens when we use our devices as if we’re home and then proceed to receive a bill with charges that could likely equal the average mortgage payment.

I feel your pain.

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