Entries in Data (12)


NPD: Tablets expected to surpass notebooks by 2016

Research firm NDP DisplaySearch foresees tablets surpassing notebooks in terms of sales and popularity by 2016. The report states, "Tablet PCs, such as Apple’s iPad, are expected to be the growth driver for the mobile PC market over the next few years. Tablet shipments will surpass notebook shipments in 2016, according to the latest NPD DisplaySearch Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast Report. Overall mobile PC shipments will grow from 347M units in 2012 to over 809M units by 2017.

The report adds that , "while notebook PC shipments are expected to increase from 208M units in 2012 to 393M units by 2017, tablet PC shipments are expected to grow from 121M units to 416M units in this period, for a compound annual growth rate of 28%."

We are really nearing the post-PC era where notebooks are becoming less necessary because many of their features and functions will be available on tablets. It is no wonder that the leading technology companies all have a stakein the tablet market and that Microsoft and Google have even gone as far as making their own tablet devices to cover segments where Apple's iPad isn't openly competing.

Source: NDP DisplaySearch


Cisco's new Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Routers are app enabled

Cisco today unveiled a new line of Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Routers with app enabled capabilities for consumers to power and enjoy their connected homes of today and tomorrow. The three new Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Routers offer support for Cisco Connect Cloud, the next generation of Cisco Connect software, which provides simple anytime, anywhere management of multiple home networks.

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CrashPlan+ offers Affordable Cloud Backups

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Backups are an essential part of computing life. Hard drives die, computers fail, accidents happen. Not everyone is keen on regular backups since they require external drives or other tedious workarounds. Cloud backup services, however, make sense because they work in the background and cost less than backing up to physical drives. CrashPlan for PC, Macs and Linux offers various backup options starting at $1.50 a month.

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Review: Motorola FLIPOUT Android smartphone on Rogers

Text and Photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Motorola, you've done it again! You created yet another Android smartphone that's unlike anything we've seen or touched before. Just like your innovative application of a slide-out form factor on the Motorola Milestone and the mind-warping BackFlip (a real flip phone with a trackpad to boot), the FLIPOUT brings an entirely new mobile device to the market and its got Android OS 2.1 as well!

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