Entries in Data (12)


Microsoft to offer data storage outside of the U.S. for foreign customers

Microsoft wants to alleviate the concerns of its foreign clients about the U.S. National Security Agency’s monitoring of foreign citizens by offering the ability to store information on servers located outside of the U.S. According to Read Write, Microsoft wanted to implement the changes because of the NSA issue.

“People should have the ability to know whether their data are being subjected to the laws and access of governments in some other country and should have the ability to make an informed choice of where their data resides,” said Brad Smith, general counsel of Microsoft.


Google incorporates data compression feature for Mobile Chrome browser

Google aims to cut your data usage by half when you browse on your mobile devices. The tech company is introducing a data compression feature for both iOS and Android devices in order to help reduce costs for the increasing number of mobile users who browse on their smartphones and tablets. The feature can be activated from the Settings section. Select Bandwidth management and then Reduce data usage. Users can even track the amount of bandwidth saved per month.

“When enabled, Chrome’s data compression and bandwidth management can reduce data usage by up to 50 percent while browsing the web on Chrome for Android and iOS. This feature also enables Chrome’s Safe Browsing technology which helps protect you from malicious webpages,” said Google software engineer Matt Welsh in a blog post.


Rogers lights up LTE in Five new Canadian cities

In wake of the Apple iPhone 5s/5c announcement yesterday, the one we covered live, Rogers has officially flipped the switch on for LTE in five new Canadian cities:

- Courtney Comox in British Columbia

-       Lethbridge, Okotoks and Strathmore in Alberta

-       Wolfville in Nova Scotia.

This means blazing fast (up to 150Mbps) mobile browsing and downloads! Learn more about Rogers' LTE network and if your city is covered here


Review: Motorola RAZR V

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Motorola Mobility seems keen on refining the RAZR line of Android smartphones. Their latest model, the Motorola RAZR V, carries over a lot of the features and design strengths of the original flagship RAZR Android smartphone released last year, but scales down some features and pricing to appeal to more general users. 

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