Entries in Carbonite (2)


Carbonite sells SMS Backup & Restore to SyncTech


If you constantly switch devices, you might be familiar with SMS Backup & Restore. The app was bought by Carbonite last year and now it’s switching hands again to go to Australian company SyncTech. As its name suggests, it easily backs up and restores your SMS, MMS, and call log. At the moment, the app is still listed on Carbonite’s site as one of their products but with the holiday weekend we aren’t surprised that hasn’t been updated yet. We got the news from the update of the app on the Play Store where SyncTech announced plans to have an opt-out option for advertisements as well as updated contact/support details. No other news about what the company has planned for the app though.

Source: Android Police


CrashPlan+ offers Affordable Cloud Backups

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Backups are an essential part of computing life. Hard drives die, computers fail, accidents happen. Not everyone is keen on regular backups since they require external drives or other tedious workarounds. Cloud backup services, however, make sense because they work in the background and cost less than backing up to physical drives. CrashPlan for PC, Macs and Linux offers various backup options starting at $1.50 a month.

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