Entries in MasterCard (20)


Mastercard and Canada Post launches Cash Passport

Globetrotters have a new way to travel with less worry about how much cash they have in their pockets. Mastercard and Canada Post recently launched Cash Passport, a simplified and secured way to help pay for purchases abroad. This latest tap card offers more control of travel budget by locking in foreign currency exchange rates in advance so travellers don't have to worry about currency fluctuations.

In addition, the pre-loaded Cash Passport card can hold up to seven currencies at one time giving travellers the flexibility to travel through various countries without having to think about exchange rates throughout the trip. The card will also automatically select the next available currency if you have insufficient funds of the currency you need. The card also holds fixed ATM fees and no transaction fees on international purchases.

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MasterCard’s MasterPass simplifies online shopping

It’s been a banner year for online shopping in Canada as the industry experienced 20% growth in online sales in 2015. The combined online share sales in November and December of last year totaled 9.84%, according to MasterCard SpendingPulse. Both months bested last year’s 8.6% record as online sales in November reached 9.7%, the highest in Canadian e-commerce history; that is until December came in a retail sales climbed up to 9.9%.

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Masters of Code Hackathon Montreal 


Recently the Masters of Code hackathon series hit Montreal and almost 120 coders, MasterCard staff, mentors and sponsors gathered for 24 hours of extreme coding. With a kickoff from MasterCard Canada’s President Brian Lang and prize presentations from Mung Ki Woo, Executive Vice President, Digital Products and Solutions at MasterCard, the event showed developers in Montreal just what it takes to win a MasterCard hackathon.

The Montreal edition of Masters of Code was part of the company’s ongoing outreach to developers and of its commitment to helping today’s tech innovators create tomorrow’s best technology. MasterCard worked with a number of local incubators, schools and their lead sponsor, National Bank of Canada, to get the word out to developers across the city. By the time Masters of Code started on Saturday morning the event was almost completely sold out.

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MasterCard Masters of Code Competition Coming to Montreal

By Sonya Davidson

MasterCard Masters of Code competition is coming to Montreal this fall. On September 26 and 27, the event will focus on the connected life and how social and economic challenges can be addressed with our increasing connection with technology. 

The event offers the best and brightest Canadian developers the opportunity to create an application that makes it easier for people to learn, travel, commute, shop or pay for everyday items. Interested? Make sure you visit the MasterCard Masters of Code event page to register.

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