Entries in MasterCard (20)


National Girls Learning Code Day

By Sonya Davidson

According to a new study, out of the Canadians that considered a career in technology, only 18 per cent were women.  A third admitted that the lack of encouragement to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) degrees put them off entering the sector. 

To address this trend, MasterCard has partnered with Ladies Learning Code  and the University of Waterloo to empower more girls and women to pursue careers in technology. This exciting new program, entitled ‘National Girls Learning Code Day’, will see more than 700 girls (ages 8 – 13) and their parents take a FREE, 6-hour introductory coding class held simultaneously across the country on November 8th.

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MasterCard Canada and MLSE create ultimate Priceless Experiences for sports fans

MasterCard announced a first-of-its-kind installation in Canada to bring sports fandom to the next level – both inside and outside Air Canada Centre. Building on its long-standing exclusive partnership with the Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors and Toronto FC, MasterCard today launched the Priceless Toronto Zone, an interactive digital experience at Air Canada Centre open to all sports fans. The Zone, outfitted with two large flex screens, an eight panel video wall and a 65" touchscreen, will be the place to catch behind the scenes moments, priceless experiences and collect sports memorabilia – whether you’re attending a game or not. 

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MasterCard: eCommerce heated in December up as Canadian temperatures plunged

Canadians responded to extreme weather conditions in December by taking their holiday shopping online – and they reached a major milestone in the process. For the first time in Canadian eCommerce history, the online share of retail sales totalled 7.8% for the month of December according to MasterCard SpendingPulse, a macro-economic report that leverages purchase information across all forms of payment – credit cards, cash and cheque – to offer detailed insight into consumer spending trends.

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MasterCard Canada calls on female developers to Master the Code

MasterCard Canada is encouraging all female professional and student developers to participate in its MasterCard N>XT developer challenge.  A recent Statistics Canada study found that while Canada is seeing an increase in the number of young women with university degrees in computer science programs, men still hold the majority of degrees within this field[1].  The challenge is an opportunity for women to apply their technology skills to a business challenge that could influence the future of payments.  MasterCard N>XT, co-sponsored by Rogers and CIBC, is the first payment network developer challenge in Canada and will be held at the MaRS Discovery District.

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