Entries in mobile security (3)


Secure your digital data with lynk

We’re making it easier and easier for cyber criminals to access our personal information right from the tiny computers (a.k.a. smartphones) that we carry around with us. That’s where Toronto-based startup uConekt Inc. wants to help us out with their new Indiegogo campaign for the multipurpose device called lynk. It helps keep your mobile identity secure with four-layer authentication and patent-pending encryption technology where your passwords and PINs are stored.

lynk will also give you access to these information so you can access your bank accounts, trading accounts, and even shop online more securely. Aside from that, the device can even alert you if you misplaced your phone. It’s also a mobile wallet thanks to Near Field Communication. Battery life isn’t an issue since it can last for three to four months. And then you can just swap it with a CR2032 battery. The device is available in black, white, blue, red, and bronze. Early backers just need to pay $59 to get a lynk device. The product is expected to be shipped and delivered by the end of July 2015.

Source: uConekt


Study reveals more people are willing to trade mobile privacy for free apps

More and more Canadians are reportedly foregoing privacy concerns when it comes to their mobile apps in place of free apps, according to a new survey from Norton. Symantec researchers found that there are a large number of apps that collect and send personal information to app developers, and you might not know this is happening.

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Study: Symantec's Mobile Security Holiday Habits Survey results are in

Smartphones are peaking in popularity and as they transcend the realm of corporate users and into the mainstream, these pocket computers have considerably improved their specs and capabilities. As more people rely on smartphones, the higher the likelihood of sensitive data passing through their devices. Symantec's recent  mobile security holiday habits survey (whew!). Hit jump for some of their findings.    

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