Entries in norton (20)


Norton tackles Cyberbullying in new Survey

Photo from Get Safe Online (http://k9webprotection.net/)Norton Canada released the results of its cyberbullying survey today highlighting that girls are more often involved in cyberbullying incidents than boys are (86 percent compared to 55 percent) and that cyberbullying is happening most frequently through social media channels. For the purpose of this survey, cyberbullying is described as wilful and abusive e-mails, photos, instant messages, cell phone calls or other electronic channels that result in personal humiliation, violation of privacy, stress or physical injury.

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Norton Cybersecurity Institute launched

Norton by Symantec recently announced the launch of the Norton Cybersecurity Institute, a collaboration between law enforcement, consumer safety groups and security leader Norton. The Norton Cybersecurity Institute is a global initiative to support and win the fight against cybercrime by providing law enforcement with training, technical expertise, and improved global cooperation.

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McAfee Leads in enterprise endpoint protection and threat detection 

McAfee  announced several market validations of its enterprise endpoint security technology, with independent proof of superior threat detection and endpoint performance, powered by a unique unified threat intelligence system and an integrated management platform.


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NortonLive Ultimate Help Desk tackles consumer's tech problems 24/7/365

Norton by Symantec announced today its new NortonLive Ultimate Help Desk service – a  24x7 online service and virtual personal IT help desk service for consumers that supports a broad range of computing and digital devices, from PCs to printers to iPod devices, commonly used at home.

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