Entries in OS (23)


SourceCode: Riding the Chromebook Cloud Part 1

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Ever since Google came out with the CR48 Chrome-browser powered notebook, trying out a cloud connected OS had become something of an obsession for me. The idea that all your data was secure (or not) in the cloud regardless of what hardware you are using is not only revolutionary but clearly the future of computing itself. Well we finally managed to get a Google Chromebook  (Samsung Series 5) and here are our initial impressions.

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Video: Windows Phone Mango Previewed

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We just came from the X'11 event, Microsoft's big pre-holiday XBox show and had the opportunity to check out the next update to Windows Phone. This one is codenamed Mango and it is sweet, social and smart. Best of all, current Windows Phone owners will be able to update to Mango directly from their PCs without any manufacturer or carrier delay, hindrance or hassle...take that Android! Mango ripens sometime this Fall.


SourceCode: How Sony can take on the Android tablet space and win

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

It may not be the first, or the thinnest Honeycomb tablet but we're willing to bet that Sony's 9.4" inch entry into the tablet space, the S1, will be one of the most feature packed devices to hit the market this year. More than that, it will quite possibly be 'the one' to create its very own segment. Here's why.

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Review: HTC Flyer 7" inch 16GB WiFi tablet

Text and photos Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

At first glance, one could find many things wrong with the HTC Flyer WiFi tablet. It runs a non-tablet version of Android, it uses a single-core Snapdragon processor, its screen is only 7" inches wide and it has a $80 digital pen that works mostly on HTC Sense overlay.

So, why is it one of the most desirable devices we've seen in a long time? We spent a week with HTC Flyer and tried to dig deeper.

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