Entries in Palm (12)


Review: HP TouchPad 32GB webOS Tablet


Text and Photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Hewlett-Packard's first webOS 3.0 tablet, the HP TouchPad, which ships this week in Canada, will compete for the hotly contested  10" inch tablet space. Offering true multitasking, in-app notifications and innovative features such as Touch to Share, wireless docking and charging as well as HP Synergy's cloud savvy integration it seems to have a lot to offer, but is it enough?

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SourceCode: Ode to Palm, Nokia on the cusp of a big transition

Updated on Friday, February 11, 2011 at 8:20AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Nokia and Microsoft are formally teaming up and not just in the smartphone space. Looks like Nokia will drop Symbian in favour of Windows Phone 7 and will not only be a handset manufacturer for Microsoft but will partner in search with Bing, Maps and Location as well as use its Ovi Store payment infrastructure for Windows Phone. 


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Breaking News: HP retires Palm brand, launches TouchPad tablet, Pre 3 and Veer smartphones

The HP Veer, Pre 3 smartphones and the TouchPad tablet are HP's new trio of WebOS devices Palm is dead, long live HP. Today's Think Big announcement from HP lifted the lid on the TouchPad WebOS tablet, a spanking new Pre 3 smartphone and a funky new smartphone called the HP Veer. Highlights from the event in San Francisco today include:

  • Palm is gone as a brand but WebOS remains part of HP
  • WebOS is coming to PCs and notebooks, soon
  • The HP Veer is a tiny WebOS smartphone - essentially an even smaller version of the Pre 2 with similar features (8GB of memory, 800Mhz Snapdragon processor, mobile hotspot, 5 megapixel camera)- out in Spring.
  • The HP Pre 3 is a larger Pre, now with 3.6" inch screen, a larger QWERTY keyboard, dual cameras, a Qualcomm CPU running 1.4GHz, geared towards business users. Out in Summer.
  • The HP TouchPad with a 9.7 inch display, 1024 x 768, 1.6 pounds, Beats audio, video calling, 1.3 megapixel webcam, 16GB or 32GB storage, dual core 1.2GHz Snapdragon processor. Accessories include keyboards, cases and docks. Like the BlackBerry PlayBook, the HP TouchPad can interface with the WebOS smartphones (possibly for wireless 3G data) but will also work as a standalone Wi-Fi tablet.
  • New touch-to-share feature allows you to tap TouchPad and Pre/Veer and send websites, files and other documents wirelessly between the two devices.
  • WebOS devices will be able to print to HP printers from the outset.
  • HP is putting considerable R&D and money towards WebOS

  Pricing and availability for the Canadian market has not yet been released.


HP Palm's video teaser for tomorrow's big reveal event

Think big. Think small. Think ahead. Think beyond. This is what the countdown page  that's taken over Palm's webpage is promising for tomorrow's event. This is Palm's big coming out party after HP took the reins. We're so stoked as it looks like aside from the Opal and Topaz WebOS tablets hinted at last month, there may be a new smartphone and possibly more.