Entries in Pixel XL (9)


Google confirms October 4 launch of Pixel 2 with a billboard ad

It's the time of year where all the major companies launch their flagship phones and Google is expected to respond on October 4 with the successor to its Pixel phone. A billboard in Boston was shot by a reader of Droid Life. The billboard states 'Ask more of your phone' followed by the Google 'G' Logo and the date Oct. 4. 

This is certainly exciting news since the original Pixel and Pixel XL were the sleeper hits of 2016 with their excellent camera performance as well as the introduction of Google Assistant (as well as Google Home, Google WiFi, Daydream VR and the new 4K Chromecasts). All of these products are doing well in the market and we should expect various features to be unlocked by software updates. 

As for the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, it seems we're getting hardware from HTC and LG respectively, with LG making the larger Pixel 2 XL and rehashing some of the design cues from its LG V30 flagship phablet. Stay tuned for more news.

Source: Phandroid


Some Google Pixel users reporting microphone issues

Some Google Pixel owners are reporting issues with their smartphone's microphone. Hundreds of users have chimed in saying that their devices are having issues with some of their microphones, rendering audio unusable in some cases even when shooting video.

"The most common problem is a hairline crack in the solder connection on the audio codec," said Google employee Brian Rakowski. "The other related problems are due to a faulty microphone."

This isn't the first issue that's affected the HTC-built Google Pixel, which had early LTE-disconnection issues with certain carriers. In the case of the microphone issues, these are hardware related, possibly because the Pixel had a short time to get to market.

Google is aware of the issue, it is helping customers get replacements for their faulty devices. Is this issue affecting your Pixel phone?

Source: Engadget


Elusive 'Really Blue' Google Pixel coming to Canada through Rogers

Google's Pixel has currently available sporadically in Quite Black and Very Silver, Google announced that it is finally bringing the Really Blue Pixel north of the border at Rogers locations. Formerly sold as an exclusive to American carriers, the Really Blue Pixel will be available in two sizes as well as two capacities (32GB and 128), Google does bundle unlimited storage space for full resolution videos and photos. Check out our review of the Pixel XL. More details on pricing and availability coming soon.

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Google's Pixel XL adoption is faster than Nexus 6P

Google's new Pixel XL smartphone's adoption has outpaced last year's Nexus 6P flagship. This is likely due to the fact that Google has really put some marketing muscle behind its new phones plus the Pixel and the Pixel XL have been extremely well reviewed by the technology press as the best Android devices in the market right now.

Still in short supply, the Pixel XL took a week to reach a market share comparable to the Nexus 6P two weeks after launch. 

The smaller Pixel is showing some amazing growth too. A week after launch day, its numbers were 274% up. Similarly, the Pixel XL more than doubled its launch day numbers after a week of sales (up 158%).

Source: 9to5Google