iPhone involved in San Bernardino shooting offers no new leads

The iPhone 5c involved in a highly-publicized legal battle between FBI and Apple doesn’t seem to have produced any evidence of substance or any leads, making it seem like a rather anti-climactic ending for this particular issue. FBI and Apple were up against each other for months as the Bureau was pressuring Apple to break its security measures for an iPhone said to have been used during the San Bernardino attack by Syed Farook. The case was called off in the last minute when the FBI got a third-party method to break into the device. Unfortunately, reports suggest that they haven’t been able to recover any useful information from the device. Anonymous law enforcement officials cited by CNN said there weren’t any unknown contacts or message data seen on the phone.
However, CNN emphasized that the phone was at least useful for confirming that the attackers didn’t get outside help, especially during the immediate aftermath of the attack that the FBI is trying to fill in. There is also data on the phone not obtained from previous iCloud backups but it doesn’t seem to bring about new leads into the case.