Entries in sharing (2)


Facebook's answer to Snapchat, the Slingshot App now available globally

Facebook announced that its new Creative Labs app, Slingshot, is available internationally.  Slingshot lets users quickly share moments—little and big—with lots of people at once. It’s a new kind of feed where everyone is a creator. You start by shooting a photo or video of what you're up to and then sling it to a bunch of friends. Friends won’t be able to see your shot in their feed until they sling something to you. Will this new functionality catch on? Only time will tell, Facebook seems to think that this is how many users prefer to communicate.

Check out http://www.sling.me/ and the Slingshot team’s blog for more information.  Slingshot in available in English on iPhone (iOS7) and Android (Jelly Bean and KitKat).  


Vine App now available for Android smartphones


Twitter's six-second-video creation and sharing app Vine has finally made it to Android. With 13 million users in iOS, Vine has become a popular way to share quick videos online. Vine has created a stop-motion content creation craze which some clever users have managed to elevate into something of an art form. Android users can get their Vine on right here.