Entries in software update (9)


Microsoft Xbox One update includes content management, battery power indicator, and USB keyboard support

Microsoft just released an update for the Xbox One that includes features such as content management, return of the battery indicator, and support for USB keyboards. The Next Web reports Xbox One users can now see and manage the storage space and even download queue and install lineup on the console. The My Apps and My Games have been separated into different lists and have different queues. Users can also track update progress with a boot progress indicator and choose the order for content to load.

Microsoft also brought back the battery power indicator to help you track the battery life of the controller. And for those who want to use USB keyboard with the Xbox One that is possible with the new update. The next update is supposedly going to be released on March 4.


Nokia starts rolling out Lumia Amber update

Nokia is finally releasing its Lumia Amber update to a number of its Windows Phone 8 devices. Aside from getting Microsoft’s latest version of Windows Phone 8, the update contains some Nokia-specific app additions such as Smart Camera and Pro Camera apps as well as the Glance software.

Smart Camera software originally came out with the Lumia 925 and it adds motion focus picture options. The new Pro Camera app, which came out recently with the Lumia 1020, is going to be made available for the Lumia 920, 925, and 928. Glance software has a clock on the lock screen and allows users to double tap the device to wake it up. It also lets Lumia users flip the phone to silence it and mute incoming calls.

The rollout began with Lumia 920 and 820 in selected countries and Lumia 521, 820, and 928 in the US. Nokia aims to make the update available to all its Windows Phone 8 smartphones by the end of September.

Source: Conversations by Lumia


Apple updates AppleTV OS, now supports Bluetooth keyboards

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

A busy Monday for Cupertino as right after releasing the iOS 6.1 software update, Apple updated the AppleTV's software. The new software enables the use of Bluetooth keyboards and more streaming music features for tracks bought in iTunes and shared via iCloud as well as a "Up Next" feature that shows users what's on cue. So is Apple's famous "hobby" getting to be a bit more serious (they sold 2 million AppleTVs in the holiday quarter, a surprising 60 per cent increase from a year ago quarter!).

Interesting to note that while iPods and Macs are seeing less sales, the AppleTV is still in demand. Being able to use a Bluetooth keyboard is a long awaited feature and something that might hint at a real Apple TV device in the near future.


PlayBook 1.0.5 update brings Facebook app and various refinements

Good news for BlackBerry PlayBook owners  a new  software update introduces a QNX specific Facebook app, in-app payment support and WiFi hotspot detection among other. Hit jump to read the details.

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