Entries in Taylor Swift (16)


Swift response: Apple to pay artists during Music trial period

Apple has reconsidered its initial approach to the Apple Music trial period after Taylor Swift wrote an open letter imploring Apple to pay musicians for their music during the three-month trial period that the new music service will be available for free.

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Taylor Swift won't release her '1989' album on Apple Music 

Taylor Swift isn't just unhappy with how Spotify does its business. This time, she's refusing to work with Apple on its new streaming service, Apple Music. In an open letter addressed to the company, Swift reasons she doesn't want to make her 1989 album available on the service because they won't be paying the artists or producers during the three-month trial period when it launches. She says she's worried about the young talents who are counting on those initial singles to stay afloat. Swift thinks it's unfair for Apple to have people work for nothing  when they have money to spare. 

We're not sure what Apple would plan to do after this but the company has yet to respond to her letter. The company initially promised to pay higher than the normal rate to compensate for the trial period but we're wondering if that'll be enough if the big acts start to pull out their stuff. 

Source: Taylor Swift | Via: Engadget 


Taylor Swift and American Express turn ‘Blank Space’ video into mobile game

In case you couldn’t get enough of Taylor Swift, she now comes as a mobile game (sort of). Just in time for the release of her new single “Blank Space,” Swift partnered with American Express and Radical Media to create a 360-degree immersive music video app/game. It is part of American Express’ Unstaged concert series that lets you follow along with the video and explore six different rooms in the video by moving your phone or tablet. You can tap on over 40 elements in the video, including a coffee table book with personal photos of Swift. If you don’t mind second-hand embarrassment of watching your friends fight with their significant others or are just a big Swiftie, you’re going to want to check this out.

Source: Fast Company


Taylor Swift's adoring fans can still get their streaming music fix on RDIO

image from Taylorswift.com

Pop superstar Taylor Swift rocked the interwebs by pulling out of popular streaming service Spotify this week. Swift's sentiments that streaming services like Spotify fail to properly compensate artists as well as musicians, engineers and producers that create the music. So, as an experiment, streaming music was something Swift no longer wanted to participate in. Thankfully, fans of Swift's music can turn to RDIO which announced that the full library of Swift's musical ouvre would be available (except the latest album "1989") will remain available through the following ways through the platform’s ad-supported Internet radio service. 

  • on-demand, allowing paid subscribers to listen to any of her songs anywhere, anytime they want
  • Internet radio, allowing anyone to hear her songs as part of the ad-supported Internet radio experience
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