Entries in technology (15)


5 ways tech can help you relax and unwind


Does it feel like the stresses in your life are growing and growing? Do you find the pressures of life too much to bear from time to time? You might feel that technology is adding to your stress and there are days when you find it all too much of an annoyance.

There are many different ways to relax and unwind, many of which tend not to involve too many gadgets, but if you can’t do without your daily dose of tech, there are some great ways you can use it to help you wind down after a long day. 

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Microsoft doubles down on Canadian investment with downtown Toronto HQ announcement

Microsoft Canada announced it will move its Canadian headquarters to a new space in the heart of downtonw Toronto in 2020. The new facility on Bay Street will be located at the new CIBC Square and will span four floors in the 132,000 square-foot space. 

The future home will also include a new state-of-the-art Microsoft Technology Centre that will serve partners, customers as well as a learning centre for school-aged youth. The move is just one of a series of significant investments Microsoft is making. These investments will enable an expansion of Microsoft's Canadian operations, including increasing staff, modernizing its real estate, and growing its research lab in Montreal that is focused on artificial intelligence. 

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Dyson opens new $561 million Technology Centre in Singapore

James Dyson today opened the doors to Dyson’s new Technology Centre in Singapore, in the presence of Minister for Trade and Industry, S. Iswaran.

Dyson is investing $561 million (£330m) in its future in Singapore. The new facility has the latest development labs, bringing together cutting-edge hardware and software expertise. Dyson plans to grow the Singapore-based engineering team by 50 per cent. Located in the heart of Singapore’s start-up community and next to the National University of Singapore, the new Centre’s engineering teams will focus on developing new technologies for the future.

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The best technology from the 2016 North American International Auto Show

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 

The automotive industry are the originators of the notion to push ‘new and improved,’ models yearly. Be it a new variants of beloved marquees, the addition of more chrome or fins, to moving the needle on performance, fuel economy, safety and of course, price.

Detroit, MI – Just days after the car-heavy International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas wrapped up, many expected the Detroit Auto Show to focus on new technologies like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto integration, improved driver assistive technologies, electrification and autonomous driving technology to name but a few.

Just like the consumer technology industry, the motoring world thrives on iteration and upgrade cycles and game changing breakthroughs. 

The automotive industry are the originators of the notion to push ‘new and improved,’ models yearly. Be it a new variants of beloved marquees, the addition of more chrome or fins, to moving the needle on performance, fuel economy, safety and of course, price.

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