Netflix’s Ted Sarandos defends decision to cancel ‘The Get Down’ and Sense8’

For fans of the shows The Get Down and Sense8, the recent news that Netflix canceled them is a devastating blow. And even with clamor from fans to get the shows renewed, it looks like the streaming service isn’t changing its mind. According to the company’s Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos, they had to cancel the shows because the cost of production wasn’t being justified by its viewership. According to The Wrap’s story on Sarandos’ statement, the chief content officer said, “We couldn’t support those economics. If you put all your money into something that a very few people are watching, eventually you’ll have nothing for people to watch. … But relative to what it cost to make [The Get Down], we couldn’t put together enough audience to support those economics. … Similarly, the audience [for Sense8] was very passionate but just not large enough to support the economics of something that big, even in our platform.”
Netflix isn’t one to release its viewership data but it’s the first time Netflix has announced such high-profile cancellations. And this isn’t the end. CEO Reed Hasting said recently, we could expect a higher cancel rate for the service’s original series in the future—which ones this will be we don’t know yet.
Source: Screen Rant