Entries in Twitter (287)


Twitter changes up TweetDeck’s look

Gone are the trademark dark gray/black and yellow colors of TweetDeck as Twitter redesigned the app to look more like it belonged in the Twitterverse—think blue and white.

This fresh-looking update adds to the other changes Twitter has incorporated into the web app the past few months, such as support for Twitter cards that allows you to see expanded views of tweets and a more minimal left-hand navigation. You can read more about the new changes on Twitter’s blog.


Vine App now available for Android smartphones


Twitter's six-second-video creation and sharing app Vine has finally made it to Android. With 13 million users in iOS, Vine has become a popular way to share quick videos online. Vine has created a stop-motion content creation craze which some clever users have managed to elevate into something of an art form. Android users can get their Vine on right here.


Twitter releases minor profile tweaks

Twitter is making it less of a hassle to update your profile both on the site and on its official mobile app. You can now change profile information inline and drag and drop pictures for your header, background and profile photos. 

Source: Twitter


Review: Michelle Twitter client for iOS

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

There's an abundance of Twitter apps for iOS with a range of functionality and features. A new client called Michelle App offers a fast and slick alternative to keeping tabs on your Twitter feeds and posting from your iPhone or iPod Touch.

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