Entries in Vine (27)


Vine for Android now recommends related videos

If you find yourself watching one too many One Direction videos on Vine, the Android version of the app will now recommend related videos to you. There will now be a "Similar Vines" button at the bottom of the screen that will show you all the other Vines the app's algorithm think it might be of interest to you. The update has already rolled out to its users. So, get on it and lose yourself in the numerous content the app has to offer.

Source: Vine | Via: The Next Web | Download: Google Play Store (Free)


Twitter now autoplays videos on iOS and the web

Twitter’s jumping on the bandwagon of having videos automatically play while you scroll through your timeline; that is, if you use iOS app or Twitter on the web. The move to have Vines and other native Twitter videos play automatically is meant to keep users engaged on the platform. How effective that is we can’t tell at the moment. Those using iOS will have the clips go into full screen if you’re viewing the videos in landscape.

If you’re worried about this eating up data, you can opt to only let video autoplay while using Wi-Fi or just turn it all off.

Source: Twitter | Via: Engadget


Vine (finally) updates Windows Phone app 

Yes, it took more than a year for Vine to pay attention to its Windows Phone app. But instead of complaining, we welcome the change. The company has finally updated its Windows Phone app. It now lets users import videos right from the camera and edit those clips in-app. Vine also gets a new look, loop count, and supports Vine messaging. The new version of the app is already available for download for Windows 8.1 devices. 

Source: Vine | Via: Engadget | Download: Windows Phone Store (Free) 


Vine videos go HD… finally

Image source: Brittlestar’s Vine

It took a while but Vine is close to leaving eye-searing 480p video behind. The company announced that 720p quality video will finally be showing up on the service on both Android and iOS (not sure if it’s going to hit Windows Phone though). It’s already rolling out slowly and according to Engadget, some have been spotted embedded around the web.

You don’t really have to do anything to your Vines to upload them in 720p but this is currently just available on iPhone users. Android users will have to wait a bit for their Vines to be uploaded in HD, too.

Source: Vine | Via: Engadget