Entries in Windows 8 (60)


Microsoft ends support for Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10

If you’re still using Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10, it’s time to make an upgrade. Microsoft is ending support for these versions starting today. You’ll no longer get security patches or technical support if things go awry for you. IE 11 will continue to be supported, so will Windows 8.1, which will continue to have support until January 10, 2023.

Source: Lifehacker


Microsoft launches Windows 10, will be free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users

Microsoft really wants to make up for Windows 8 and it also wants holdouts move away from Windows 7 so it will be offering the latest, greatest Windows 10 OS for free as an upgrade for users of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8. Microsoft wants everyone to get on Windows 10 so the offer will be good for one year.

Microsoft also demoed how Windows 10 and XBox One will be more integrated, allowing any connected Windows 10 PC to play XBox one games remotely. Hit jump for the full details on today's announcement.

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SourceCode: It's a new day at Microsoft

Microsoft 3.0: Pushing productivity across platforms and devices

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's e-mail to employees last week served as the company's manifesto for a new era. Titled 'Bold Ambition & Our Core', the lengthy document sets the foundation for a new Microsoft, one that's moving away from Steve Ballmer's 'Devices and Services,' focused company to a more universal 'mobile-first and cloud-first,' company that embraces the opportunity to be the lead productivity and platform company.

We've seen the writing on the wall, under Nadella Microsoft has become a more altruistic technology giant, one that released their crown jewel, Microsoft Office, to the iPad, the device whose immense popularity threatened to bury the PC as a thing of the past.

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Mozilla halts development of Firefox for Windows 8

If you have been anticipating a full version of Firefox for Windows 8, then you’re in for a disappointment. Mozilla has cancelled the project citing the lack of testers. They didn’t want to ship a completed version without proper test of the release. The pre-release code is still available though. And Mozilla isn’t ruling out the possibility of working on it in the future.

Source: Engadget