Entries in Wunderlist (5)


Microsoft debuts Wunderlist replacement

We're starting to see what Microsoft plans to do with the technology it acquired from Wunderlist's acquisition back in 2015. They've debuted in preview build a new app called To-Do. And as its name suggests, you can create to-do lists, set up reminders, and track projects. The app also gets Wunderlist's intelligent suggestions feature, which shows you recommended tasks. There is also a My Day feature that'll show you a fresh list of things to do for the day. 

Microsoft admits it's still rough around the edges so you can still use Wunderlist in the meantime. But they do plan to shut down Wunderlist once To-Do has worked out its kinks. The app is available for the Web, Windows, Android, and the iOS. 

Source: Lifehacker 


Airmail for Mac gets El Capitan ready with new update

Airmail for the Mac is all set to take on the new features of El Capitan and possibly even iOS with its latest update. It now supports features like split screen and has preference syncing via iCloud. It even now has support for Handoff, too. The app also now supports native integration of Wunderlist and Todoist. Plus, it gets a bit of an interface redesign, too.

Source: Lifehacker | Download: iTunes App Store ($11.99)


Microsoft buys Wunderlist

Productivity software company Wunderlist just got acquired by Microsoft, according to Founder and CEO Christian Reber in a post on Wunderlist’s site. He didn’t specify how much it cost the Redmond-based tech giant to acquire their brand. It looks like things won’t be changing at the moment though. Reber said that their team in Berlin will continue to build Wunderlist, Wunderlist Pro, and Wunderlist for Business on platforms like iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows, and the web. He also promises that new features will be added in the future.

Source: Wunderlist


Wunderlist revamps to-do list app for iPhone, Mac, and Android

With hopes of turning their to-do list app into a “smarter” virtual assistant, Wunderlist is introducing new changes into their apps for the iPhone, Mac, and Android. The company has cleaned up the interface and added new buttons to make it easier to add tasks and lists. The app also now supports folders, a much-requested feature.

The iPhone version of the app also gets a “Quick Add” function to automatically add due dates and reminders to tasks as they are entered. The Android version now adheres to Google’s Material Design looks. The updated apps are already up for download and Quick Add function will be making its way to other platforms soon.

Source: The Verge | Download: Apple App Store: Mac + iPhone (Free); Google Play Store (Free)