Entries in WWDC (27)


Apple releases Swift programming language into open source

Apple has released its Swift programming language, used for developing iOS and Mac OS applications and programs, into open source. Swift was developed two years ago as a replacement to Objective-C as a simplified yet powerful deveilopment tool.

Apple says Swift is, "the fastest growing programming language in history and combines the performance and efficiency of compiled languages with the simplicity and interactivity of popular scripting languages.

Apple today also launched the Swift.org website with detailed information about Swift open source, including technical documentation, community resources and links to download the Swift source code.

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WWDC 2015: Mac OS El Capitan will focus on refinements and performance

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

San Francisco - Apple revealed the latest version of its desktop operating system called OS X El Capitan. Continuing the tradition of naming their operating systems after popular Californian locales, El Capitan, which is located within Yosemite (the previous OS X's codename), can be likened to an evolutionary update similar to what Snow Leopard was to Leopard and Mountain Lion was to Lion.

Focusing on refinements and requested user features, El Capitan improves Window Management, boosts performance for graphics and power applications with Metal for the Mac which developers like Adobe are supporting to make their apps run faster and more efficiently on desktops and notebooks.

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Apple Beat: WWDC 2014 is about extending the ecosystems

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 

Today’s WWDC Keynote, the 25th of a series, saw Apple going back to its roots as one of the most innovative software companies in the business. The event was a frills-free, hardware-free ode to the developer community and it celebrated the coming of age of iOS as well as the ascension of OS X as one of the best designed and most interoperable desktop operating systems in the market today.

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The Apple Beat: A week away from WWDC 2014, let the games begin

Image from MacRumors.comBy Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 

Apple's yearly World Wide Developer's Conference is taking place next week in in San Francisco. Over 5,000 developers and partners are expected to come to the Moscone West conference centre to learn more about Apple's plans and products for the coming year and you can believe that the rest of the world will be watching.

Mostly focused on upcoming software builds, namely the next version of iOS and its desktop counterpart OS X, Apple's used WWDC as a launching pad for notable hardware products, some of which are available for purchase right after the keynote and others are offered as a sneak peek, just like the redesigned Mac Pro was last year.

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