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Lines begin for iPhone 4S

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Tomorrow is iPhone 4S day and already lines are starting to form in Apple Retail Stores everywhere. This year however, the mood is bittersweet. While expectation for the new iPhone remains high, Steve Jobs is very much in people's hearts and minds.

The Eaton Centre Apple Store has taken the appearance of a makeshift shrine. As of 6:30 PM, 14 hours before the Apple Store reopens to sell iPhones, there were around 40 people queued up and many others leaving Post It notes on the store's windows.

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  • Response
    Lines begin for iPhone 4S - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
  • Response
    Lines begin for iPhone 4S - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective

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