Entries in Lines (4)


Lines for iPad mini launch in Toronto

Photo of the iPad mini line at the Toronto Eaton Centre from @CityMelanieThe lines for iPad mini at the Eaton Centre in Toronto began as early as 1 am. Around 45 people were lined up in anticipation for Apple's iPad mini which went on sale in store at 8:00 a.m. today. The smaller iPad offers the features and power of the iPad 2 but in a smaller 7.9-inch size, it will be available in white and silver as well as slate and black and is currently a WiFi only device (a 4G version ships late November). Preorders for the iPad mini began last week and online stock for all models quickly sold out. There is now a two week waiting period of online orders. The iPad mini starts at $329.


Lines begin for iPhone 4S

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Tomorrow is iPhone 4S day and already lines are starting to form in Apple Retail Stores everywhere. This year however, the mood is bittersweet. While expectation for the new iPhone remains high, Steve Jobs is very much in people's hearts and minds.

The Eaton Centre Apple Store has taken the appearance of a makeshift shrine. As of 6:30 PM, 14 hours before the Apple Store reopens to sell iPhones, there were around 40 people queued up and many others leaving Post It notes on the store's windows.


Early lines form for iPad 2 in Toronto

Updated on Friday, March 25, 2011 at 7:40AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Updated on Friday, March 25, 2011 at 10:05AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Photo by Justin Hui via Twitter Despite cold -12 degree temperatures following an anomalous Spring snowstorm Wednesday, people at the Eaton Centre Apple Store formed lines as early as 7:30 PM Thursday night (above). The line was moved outside the building until 6:00 when they were let back in. There were reportedly around 100 people in line by 7 AM. The iPad 2 goes on sale at 5 PM later today. The line at 3:30 wrapped around the entire top floor and back to where the Disney Store is.

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The Apple Beat: Happy Birthday OS X!

Apple faithful and crafty prospectors line up for iPad 2 in Buffalo :Photo by Sixian ZhengBy Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The iPad 2 is finally coming to Canada tomorrow afternoon and Apple Retail Stores will once more see long lines of excited customers. Many will be first-time buyers who waited patiently for the iPad to go version 2.0 before plunging into the tablet space. Others are upgraders hungry for the latest and greatest and as always, there will be shrewd prospectors out to make a few hundred bucks.


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