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Suicide Squad's SDCC trailer is here

Suicide Squad, partly filmed in downtown Toronto, is one of the more anticipated movies coming from a resurgent DC which also has Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice slated for a 2016 release.
Suicide Squad revolves around a secret goverment initiative called Task Force X, which assembles some of the most dangerous and insane criminals and uses them for suicide missions in order for them to work off their sentences. While the cast of character revolves, some of the mainstays include Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, Killer Croc and many others.
The video above was shown at Comic Con this weekend and drew the most attention because it features Jared Leto's take on the Joker. Clearly we see Joker torturing someone (Quinn?) as well as an glimpse of many of the members of the squad. While this is the most unlikely 'hero' flick since Guardians of the Galaxy it certainly fits into the gritty and edgy new look that DC Comics is going for with its movie properties. The movie features Viola Davis, Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney and we expect cameos from Leto as well as Ben Affleck as Batman.

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