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We welcome Android Marshmallow!


So, we finally put a name to Android M and this time Google names the latest iteration of its mobile OS as Marshmallow? Why Marshmallow? Don’t they usually use dessert names? Actually, according to Android developers they name Android OS after tasty treats and not just desserts. When you say tasty treats, it means those sinful eats you munch on after a tired, stressful day at work. According to one of the engineers, after long stressful runs when they started out as a small team, when they got tired they just wanted to eat bad food. And that’s probably where they got the idea for the naming convention of their mobile platform. You can check out more about that in the video above from YouTubers Nat and Lo. The statue for Android Marshmallow has also been unveiled. And you can check that out here.

Source: Android Community

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