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New website sends smelly friends clear messages 


Well, if you can send flowers, chocolates and books to your friends why not send them this? I've just discovered the site myfriendsmells.com that send a clear message to those who need to up their hygiene game...or at least mask it. 

Just launched today, this site allows customers to anonymously send cologne wipes to friends with an attached note informing them that they smell. It's a non-confrontational way to send a message in hopes of dealing with bad body odor. 

"Everyone has a stinky friend. A classmate, co-worker, boss, sibling or other stank suspect. Those days of smelliness are over -- here is your chance to tell them what's up," a spokesperson from myfriendsmells.com explains, "what's best is that we do the dirty work for you." 

So far, the site has been well received either by people who've been holding their breathes and, okay, pranksters who just think it's a fun gag to send. Hint: April Fools' Day is not too far away!

Customers can send one wipe or a package of wipes. The colognes are mostly geared to men (hmmmm...I won't go there) and some are universally appealing to both men and women. The colognes are by Swago who specialize in distributing men's cologne for guys on-the-go because bottles are simply too awkward to lug around. 

Packaging is pretty funny too. Yes, you can smell like a... Champ, Legend, VIP, and Gentleman. 






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