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Rolls-Royce’s concept is as futuristic as it gets

Rolls-Royce’s new concept is truly a vision. The 103EX vision vehicle highlights how the luxury car manufacturer interprets the self-driving technology. The car itself is 20 feet long and stands five feet tall. It has a two-person silk covered couch and a see-through glass display in the dashboard area where your steering wheel usually is. It has a roof canopy, has bespoke features, and promises to be almost soundless as Rolls-Royce says: “The only sound is the hushed beat of your own heart.” And, of course, the car comes with artificial intelligence in the form of Eleanor. You can watch the concept video above or get a 360-degree look of the car in this link. Rolls-Royce says they could make the 103EX available in the 2040s.

 Source: Laughing Squid

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