Withings U-Scan brings a urine lab into your home

Source: Withings
Your pee can tell a lot about your health, so Withings is banking on that with its new U-Scan device. This urine analyzer attaches to the front of your toilet like a scent puck. When you pee, it can collect a sample of your urine to analyze and send the results to your phone.
It can monitor your hydration and nutrient levels, and test your urine's pH levels to determine your overall kidney health. You swap out the cartridges for it to track different things like one is used to track menstrual cycles. A cartridge is said to last for about three months of testing.
If you share a bathroom, it has a digital "fingerprint" of sorts that can distinguish between users. According to Withings, "U-Scan can distinguish between various users thanks to its Stream ID feature. Low-energy radar sensors embedded within the reader measure multiple variables to identify an individual's urine stream signature, by detecting movement and distance of the stream. Stream ID information can be affirmed in the app."
Withings will offer the U-Scan in Europe before the end of June, with a nutrition-focused cartridge that will scan for pH, vitamin C, and ketone levels, as well as its specific gravity or the concentration levels that could be a sign of dehydration. The starter kit is priced at €499.95 (around CA$725). It's awaiting FDA clearance in the US.
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