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Roblox explores building virtual words with words

Roblox wants to use generative AI in a different way. The platform explores bringing it in with virtual worldbuilding in mind. The company says it's testing it with two different implementations. One creates virtual materials using natural language prompt, like with the car in the video above. And another allows you to create code based on text inputs. Both implementations are expected to roll out to Roblox Studios in the coming weeks.

“… Some creators know how to code, but may have limited experience creating high-fidelity 3D models. Others may be more experienced with model design, but less experienced with code,” Roblox CTO Daniel Sturman wrote in a blog post. “In both cases, we see a future in which even a beginner (such as myself for example – I’m a terrible artist!) can get a running head start as they look to bring their imagination to life in a Roblox experience.”


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