Entries in 1080p (2)


Video: Just how good is the iPhone 4S at recording HD video?

Pretty darn good. The video above was shot earlier today and came straight from the iPhone 4S exported into iMovie. We added a few transitions and titles but the video was not adjusted or altered in any way. Also, this was a handheld shot with me standing and trying to capture the zombies.


Videos from Canon's upcoming EOS 550D as good as the 7D

Canon 550D / T2i production video - Zhongguancun gadget city from Dan Chung on Vimeo.

Photographer Dan Chung tried out Canon's T2i/EOS 550D DSLR's video and from the looks of it we really do have a mini 7D coming. Dan's video focuses on some of the gadgets that abound in China. HIt the jump for another video shot with the already impressive EOS 550D. Video above from F-Stop Academy via Vimeo.

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