Entries in acquisition (123)


Latest Google acquisition might make it easier to share photos privately

Google has long been rumoured to be separating its photo service from its social network Google+. And they seem to be taking a step closer to making that a reality. Google just purchased Odysee, a mobile app designed to share photos privately. The app also lets you send your phone photos directly to your home PC. Nimbuz, the team behind the app, didn’t say what their plans are but they are joining the Google+ group. The purchase makes a lot of sense, especially if Google wants to develop a standalone platform for photos. We just have to wait and see then. Odysee has already been pulled from app stores and the service will be shut down on February 23.

Source: TechCrunch


Line buys Microsoft’s MixRadio app

Japanese messaging app Line buys Microsoft’s MixRadio app, which Microsoft gained from its acquisition of Nokia. The music streaming app was already meant to be spun off with Microsoft supposedly focusing on “productivity.” Now, we have a face or company willing to integrate the music service into its fold. MixRadio’s service will continue to function as third-party app on Lumia phones. It will still provide personalized music to the Windows Phone platform but with the Line acquisition, you can expect it to make its way to Android, iOS, BlackBerry, etc.

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Motorola's sale to Lenovo has been finalized


Just one day after launching its Nexus 6 device for former owner Google, Motorola is officially a part of Lenovo which now might be the third largest phone maker in the world. Lenovo will let Motorola do its thing as a wholly-owned subsidiary and will absorb Moto's employees.

“Today we achieved a historic milestone for Lenovo and for Motorola – and together we are ready to compete, grow and win in the global smartphone market. By building a strong number three and a credible challenger to the top two in smartphones, we will give the market something it has needed: choice, competition and a new spark of innovation,” said Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO, Lenovo. 

“Motorola is in great hands with Lenovo, a company that’s all-in on making great devices,” said Larry Page, CEO, Google. Okay....Hit jump for the official release and the nitty-gritty

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Google’s Nest buys home automation hub company Revolv

Looking to build a formidable smart home hardware team, Google’s Nest adds another company under its belt with the acquisition of Revolv, the creator of home automation hubs. Nest previously bought Dropcam after Google acquired them for US$3.2 billion.

As part of the deal, Revolv will no longer sell new products but will continue support for its current customers. Its employees will join the Nest team. And data from Revolv will remain separate from Google.

Source: The Next Web