Entries in ads (36)


Microsoft says no to advertisements in Minecraft

Minecraft, whose sales just topped 100 million is not going to go the same path as some XBox games with in game advertising or sly nods to product or brand placements within environments. Mojang, maker of Minecraft and subsidiary of Microsot, said in a blog post, that advertisers or brands will not be allowed to build or promote their products in the Minecraft environement but users can continue to build whatever they want provided it isn't aimed at promotion.

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Ads make their way to Google image search results

Even your image search these days aren’t safe from ads. Google is introducing Shopping ads into image search results, so if you’re looking through new bags and jewelry, for example, you’ll see items that you can buy on the spot. Aside from that, Google is boosting its local inventory ads. It now shows you whether a retailer has in-store pickup and a store’s knowledge panel will turn inventory into something that’s searchable, which could help save you time since you find out earlier if it’s worth making a trip to a particular store.

Source: Google Inside AdWords | Via: Engadget


Update as of 12:10 p.m., May 17

Google Canada has clarified that only local inventory ads are available in the country. Shopping ads aren't currently available. 


Latest Windows 10 ad focuses on features like Hello and Cortana

A new Windows 10 TV spot showcases the practical features of Windows 10 such as the Windows Hello facial recogniton feature and the imbedded Cortana personal assistant. The subject, Doyin Richards, is a blogger and working father who claims "anything that makes my life easier, I am using."  Doyin also throws a little shade saying that 'MacBooks aren't able to do that,' speaking about the Hello sign in feature.


Twitter 'VIPs' now start seeing ads again

A few months back, Twitter started testing out a feature that kept "VIPs" or elite users from seeing ads on the social network. It wasn't clear what VIPs were. It didn't seem to be about reach but more about verified accounts. Now, though the test for these special people seem to be over as Twitter is now treating them like regular users. They can now see ads like the rest of us. In Twitter's defense, they didn't announce this as an official feature but more of a test of sorts which the company likes to engage in every now and then.

Source: The Next Web

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