Entries in ads (36)


Microsoft's employees serenade Apple Store specialists in latest holiday ad

This is definitely an 'aww' moment and one that signifies that in the end, we're all just people belonging to the same world. In its latest holiday ad, Microsoft shows its retail employees form a beeline for the Apple Store in 5th Avenue where they serenade Apple Store specialists and customers by singing "Let there be Peace on Earth." At the end of this moving rendition, we see Apple peeps and Microsoft peeps break ranks to greet and hug each other while business in both flagship stores supposedly grinds to a halt. This is great ad with a great message at a time that needs it the most.


Instagram now allows for 30-second ads on its platform

Instagram is giving brands more room to work with by allowing them to have ads that last up to 30 seconds long. Companies will also be able to use the new landscape format for their photo and video ads. Ads are already available in over 30 new countries, including India, Italy, Mexico, Spain, and South Korea. It’ll be launching in more markets around the world on September 30th.

The social network also promises to offer brands optimization tools to help them reach users both on Instagram and Facebook. They’re also introducing a new premium product called Marquee. Instagram describes it as a way to help “drive mass awareness and expanded reach in a short time-frame—perfect for events like movie premieres and new product launches.”

Source: Instagram | Via: The Next Web


HTC to bring ads to BlinkFeed 

The day has come that you’ll be seeing more ads on your HTC device. HTC just announced that it’ll be bringing in ads to its BlinkFeed app. It’s rolling out first in the US, the UK, Germany, China, and Taiwan. These ads and sponsored content are designed to look like other BlinkFeed content. You’ll be seeing materials from HTC partners like Twitter, Yahoo, and even HTC itself. But the company promises they will limit the amount of content you’ll see. It’s still a pilot test though, according to HTC. The company promises you’ll get an option to opt out of this feature in the future (we’re willing to guess it’ll be a paid option).

Source: HTC | Via: Cult of Android


Netflix promises no third-party ads will be coming to its service anytime soon

A report has surfaced the Netflix was planning on adding pre- and post-roll ads to its original shows. Thankfully, the company is quick to deny the possibility. According to a Netflix spokesperson, third-party ads won’t be coming to their platform. The company said that what it’s done for a while now is tease Netflix originals with short trailers after finishing watching a show. Some members of the service are seeing limited test run of these teasers. But that doesn’t automatically dictate that the service will implement it.

Source: BGR + Gizmodo

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