Entries in Apple (470)


Sound Control: The Apple HomePod Review

 By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple's HomePod is one of the most mystifying products in the market today. The most recent product category from Cupertino is essentially a Siri-powered Apple Music speaker with HomeKit inclinations.

After spending time with the device, however, I discovered a choc-full of innovative features and functions aimed to delight iPhone users.

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iOS apps are coming to the Mac and not the other way around

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple has two operating systems. Mac OS for laptops and desktops and iOS for iPhones and iPads. Both of these platforms each have app ecosystems. Speculation has been that iOS is the future of Apple and that future means even MacBooks and iMacs will be running iOS and apps instead of the legacy Mac versions moving to mobile.

The UIKit framework discussed at the Apple developer event today showcased some iOS apps being ported to macOS. Most of these ported apps (Voice Memos, Stocks) are simple and almost widget-like in their complexity.

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Apple reveals macOS Mojave with Dark Mode

Mac OS users got some good news at WWDC today. No, it wasn’t about the butterfly keyboard on the MacBook Pros, which were apparently not an item of discussion, but it focused on the latest version of macOS Mojave.

Staying true to the naming convention pertaining to Californian locations, macOS Mojave will ship this fall and has Dark Mode as its biggest feature. What is Dark Mode you ask? It is basically a visual theme that converts the windows and icons of various apps into a darker shade for better contrast. It’s a feature iOS users have long wanted on the iPhone. Various apps like Twitter and Ulysses come with Dark Mode options, it is preferred for reading at night and in dim conditions.

Aside from Dark Mode, Apple is adding apps from iOS like News, Stocks, Voice Memos and Home to the Mac. Facetime group calling also works on Macs. Apple has also renovated the Mac App Store. A new camera continuity feature allows iPhones to take photos which appear on a Mac instantly. macOS Mojave is coming in the fall to Macs introduced in mid-2012 or later.


Apple announces iOS 12 with a focus on managing screen time

Apple revealed all the software updates and zero hardware today at their World Wide Developer’s Conference WWDC.

While the company played up expected new features to excite and delight users like new mEmoji, AR functionality as well as even better camera and photos functionality, the key reveals were about managing screen time.

Following in the stead of Google who announced features last month to help track and manage smartphone use and screen time, iOS 12 will  similarly generate activity reports for time spent on apps, websites or social media. Ideal for parents managing their young ones’ iPad or gaming time, these metrics also serve to give a realistic picture of our online and smartphone addictions.

Also improved are the Do Not Disturb function on iOS devices that help people stay in the moment and focus on work and class as well as family time like dinner or a date. Notifications, which have become the bane of almost all smartphone users, can now be managed on a granular level and will be tied to time as well as to location constraints.

iOS 12 comes this fall but will be available as a public beta for intrepid users. Developers can get their hands on the latest build starting today.