Entries in Canalys (2)


Xiaomi overtakes Apple in smartphone shipments during Q2 2021

For the first time, Chinese tech company Xiaomi has overtaken Apple in the global smartphone shipments ranking for the second quarter of 2021 with 17% of the market share. According to Canalys research, smartphone shipments grew 12% last quarter as COVID-19 vaccination programs are happening worldwide. 

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Huawei surpasses Apple in global smartphone market share for Q2 2018

Power Trio: The Huawei P20 Pro Review

Huawei had a great second quarter for 2018. Data coming from IDC and Canalys show the Chinese tech company surpassing Apple and taking second place when it comes to the number of smartphones shipped worldwide. Huawei has shipped over 54 million handsets for Q2 2018 compared to the 41.3 million iPhones from Apple. Samsung is at number one with 73 million units shipped. According to the press release from IDC, “The arrival of Huawei in the second position marks the first quarter since 2Q10 where Apple has not been the number one or two smartphone company in terms of market share.”

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