Following reported accidents involving Teslas that had Autopilot engaged, well-known publication Consumer Reports is calling out to Tesla to change a few things. One is that the car manufacturer should change the name Autopilot and another is to remove the Autosteer feature. According to Laura MacCleery, vice president of consumer policy and mobilization at Consumer Reports, "By marketing their feature as ‘Autopilot,’ Tesla gives consumers a false sense of security. In the long run, advanced active safety technologies in vehicles could make our roads safer. But today, we’re deeply concerned that consumers are being sold a pile of promises about unproven technology. ‘Autopilot’ can’t actually drive the car, yet it allows consumers to have their hands off the steering wheel for minutes at a time. Tesla should disable automatic steering in its cars until it updates the program to verify that the driver’s hands are on the wheel."
Tesla stands by their decisions and the technologies they put into the car saying that they do “over millions of miles of internal testing, to ensure that drivers supported by Autopilot remain safer than those operating without assistance.” And it doesn’t plan to disable their features but will work to make sure their consumers know how Autopilot actually works.
Source: Consumer Reports | Via: SlashGear