Entries in Dashboard (2)


Santa Claus is coming to town...with a few apps!

Text and photos by Sonya Davidson

We were invited to get a sneak peek at Santa's Secret Workshop yesterday as Mr. & Mrs. Claus, along with their elves, were busy putting on the final touches to the colourful floats and costumes! On November 16th, Toronto plays host to the 110th annual Santa Claus Parade.

Thousands of kids and families line the streets of the city and millions watch worldwide. It's touted is the largest outdoor entertainment event for families in Canada. Over 30 floats and 21 marching bands will make this the biggest parade in Canadian history thanks to the new community partnership with Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE). 

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New XBox 360 Dashboard gets spiced up with Metro Interface


Microsoft looks to be unifying the look, feel and user experience across its Windows Phone, Windows 8 and now XBox 360 Dashboard with the Metro look. Originating from the Zune music player, Metro's live tiles and slick design functionality seems to be ideal for touch control or, in the case of XBox, for Kinect control. The new dashboard is expected to come via update on December 6.