Entries in Ford (35)


Motoring: Jaguar celebrates 75th year by announcing new models

Celebrating its 75th year in the automotive business, Jaguar presented its full 2011 model year at the 2011 Montreal International Auto Show. This stunning lineup speaks true to the heritage of Jaguar's legendary performance, delivering a superb balance of high performance, dynamic ability and refinement. 

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2011 Ford Explorer unveiled, features inflatable seatbelts and Curve Control 

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
Ford Motor Company unveiled the 2011 Ford Explorer that slated for release in December 2010. The launch event in downtown club Kool Haus featured illusionist Greg Frewin making the Ford Explorer materialize on stage, seemingly from thin air. The new Explorer brings inflatable seatbelts and additional traction with the Curve Control system. 

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2010 Canadian Auto Show shrinks, previews upcoming models

The Mercedes Benz SLS AMG Gullwing was one of the highlights of the 2010 Canadian Auto Show

We've been covering the Canadian Auto Show in Toronto for years and were sad and a bit disappointed at what we got to see this year, or rather, what we didn't. Past shows were so huge that it could take you a whole day to cover the exhibit spaces in the North and South Toronto Convention Centre and the cavernous Skydome (Rogers Centre).

Well, the Rogers Centre was dropped this year and fewer car companies were represented - a pity, really. A sign of difficult times, I guess.

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